Tuesday 7 December 2010

Blatant frantic last minute attempt to update Blog before assesment today...

It would seem I've been a little lax in posting on this which probably doesn't bode well for today's assesment. So I'm going to attempt to catch up on the past month in a oner.... here goes.

Since we last spoke, I have mainly been working on my project which I've chosen to do with H&M as the client publicising a clothes swapping/recycling event. Here's a very rough idea of what the logo will look like, I'm going for a more patchwork, Tracy Emin/Lizzie Finn idea, but this gives an idea anyway:

I've also been finishing off my 100 collages, here's a photo of me doing some which also illustrates the chaos it caused to my flat, pretty messy business, I'm still finding bits of paper in random places, found a bit in my cereal packet the other morning...

We also finally, after a lot of waiting, finished our letterpress project:

Here's the wishlist of companies to do work placement with, it's not finished yet and is obviously a 'best case scenario' list.

http://www.clinic.co.uk (I went and spoke to them on our treasure hunt day thingy)

I think that's all the college stuff caught up with. If not, I'm sure I'll find out this afternoon.