Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Liberated Press

Paul emailed us about a call for entries for a publication called 'The Liberated Press' which is a seasonal fold-out poster/newspaper handout thing which is made by Liberty's Department Store  which also happens to be one of my favourite places to wander round on a lazy afternoon in town, it is an oasis of calm and beautiful things in an otherwise horrible, busy, tourist-filled hell of a street. So I was quite excited by the project and eager to get started on some ideas. We were due to meet with Paul and someone from the Liberty's design department for a walkaround the store on Wednesday so I spent a bit of time in the library beforehand researching the history of the shop. It was pretty interesting stuff, I won't bore you with details apart from my favourite fact which is that the Timber for the building was taken from 2 ships called HMS Hindustan & HMS Impregnable which is a pretty cool name, it's given me loads of ideas already and the walk around was also informative and looking at all the details of the building was really helpful.

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