Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Long time no see...

Erm, so it seems it's been a couple of weeks since my last post so I'm going to try to do a recap of the past couple of weeks, that's if I remember everything, I am getting on a bit you know.

Letterpress: I've now had a couple of workshops in the letterpress studio which is quite an amazing place, we were split into groups and given a typeface to do a single page spread in a newspaper on it. We got Playbill, which if you didn't already know is the one used in all the wild west type posters, Wanted and Saloon signs etc. So far we've mainly mucking about, experimenting and getting to grips with how it all works, which I've really enjoyed, I like things where i get my hands dirty and that certainly happens a lot there.
One of my experiments
VCT: Has been pretty interesting the past couple of weeks, we've been discussing how to talk about images and aspects to consider, we've read the first of John Bergers essays on "Ways of Seeing".  We all brought in images to talk about, mine was this image I found in the Guardian Magazine:
Guardian Magazine Image

 I chose it because it had a Coca Cola logo in it, which automatically alters the image, bringing in questions about consumerism and advertising. Not sure if I'm going to use it for my essay or not yet.

OUT & ABOUT: We went to see The Museum of Everything with Paul which was a collection of Peter Blake's collections, curated by him. I really loved it, a strange, weird and wonderful collection, of curios, circus finds, posters and Trinkets. I especially loved the Taxidermy room with tableaus made by the Famous Taxidermist Walter Potter. They were quite amazing and detailed. Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take photo's of anything so you'll have to make do with a rubbish google image to give you an idea:
Rabbit School.
OTHER CLASSES:  Darrens Ideas class was good and taught us other methods for coming up with ideas for briefs, I like the more ridiculous things we had to come up with and we were set group briefs which seemed to turn out ok and gave us a taster of things to come. Pauls Typography class was good, I'm quite interested in Typography but am still a bit lost with it so it was good to really look at letter forms and dissect the letters.

So, that's us all caught up I think, I will try my best to be a bit more diligent with this. Sorry...

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